President´s Welcome | Federación de Campings Comunidad Valenciana

President´s Welcome


As president of the Region of Valencia Campsite Federation, I am pleased to welcome all campers, campsite owners and friends to our brand new website, where you’ll find all the information you need about the Federation.

The Region of Valencia Campsite Federation is aimed at everyone looking to spend their holidays at the best campsites in the region and at all the members who make it possible for us to be here today. Our main interest is to promote holidays at the many campsites throughout our region, while ensuring a quality stay thanks to the guarantees offered by our campsites with the support of the Federation and the public authorities.

For this, we hold an annual meeting with all the federated campsites to evaluate the year and keep moving forward, meaning that we’re always at the forefront and constantly meeting our goals. On this website, you will find detailed information about our operation and organisation, as well as about the excellent range of campsites in the Region of Valencia.

The presidents of the three provinces, together with the Federation’s technical board, are largely responsible for the professional nature that characterises our association and the various actions we carry out throughout the year. Hence this brand new website, which we hope will be a useful online tool and an extra communication channel to reach out to campers and campsite owners alike, with the aim of always delivering the best possible service.

We can only achieve these goals with the collaboration of our members, who are our main asset. Even though the Federation already has many members, we encourage all the campsites in our region to visit the website, learn more about us and consider joining up as partners. The site has links to the best campsites in the Valencia Region, details about all the activities held and proposals for members to work together.

We firmly believe that the professional nature of our Federation and the high quality of our services are founded on our members’ desire for collaboration and spirit of dialogue. In keeping with this spirit of dialogue, the Board of Directors, which I have the honour to chair, sets out to foster constant interaction with members and to further raise the Federation’s prestige thanks to all our initiatives.

We look forward to attending enquiries from members and website visitors alike, and please feel free to send us any suggestions or observations.

Best regards,

Pepe Frasquet Vidal